
"Kids First!" That has been the unofficial motto of the Rock Valley Community School Board for several years. It means that your Board of Education consistently strives to keep the best interests of all of our students in mind whenever a discussion is held or a decision is made. Whether it relates to curriculum, facilities, extra-curricular activities, staff...the Rock Valley Community School Board strives to make RVCSD a better place for the growth and development of all students.

RVCSD is a team made up of numerous members from the Board to teachers to administrators to janitors to support staff to students. And as a team, we must all work together to reach the goals expressed in our Mission Statement:

"The Rock Valley Community School District is Committed to Providing All Students with Educational Opportunities to Achieve Their Optimum Potential in a Global Society."

Together we can accomplish this worthwhile pursuit. Thank you for being a part of RVCSD!

Shelli Rens, School Board President

School Board Members

Superintendent: Matt Van Voorst

School Board President: Shelli Rens

School Board Vice President: Jerry Kelderman

Other Board Members:  Stacy Remmerde, Steve Van Den Top, Jacob Brosamle

Board Secretary: Dani Gradert